Small Aperture Optics

The IC-8TM IOL is the first FDA-approved presbyopia-correcting lens that delivers extended depth of focus through its distinctive, small aperture design.1 The IC-8TM IOL combines the simple principle of small aperture optics with the reliable quality of an aspheric mono focal IOL  to deliver a continuous range of vision.1

The embedded FilterRingTM device delivers high OQTM(optical quality) light to the retina and filters out distorted low OQTM light entering the eye, providing a clear, continuous range of vision.1

The IC-8TM IOL mitigates the reduction in visual quality caused by defocused peripheral or aberrated light that degrades retinal image quality. By allowing only central light rays to focus on the retina, patients achieve more than 2.00 diopters (D) of continuous, functional
range of vision.1 *

This breakthrough design offers new possibilities for patients, helping them achieve their best personal vision.

IC-8TM IOL Small Aperture Technology

Learn more about the advanced benefits of the IC-8TM small aperture IOL:

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