Connecting IC-8TM IOL
Education & Eye Care

Welcome to IC-8TM UniversityTM

Developed exclusively for eye care professionals, IC-8TM University is a comprehensive educational resource for the IC-8TM IOL. Learn more about the principle of small aperture optics, IC-8TM IOL applications, surgical techniques and patient selection. Our premium educational materials include published papers and informative videos created for clinicians.

Informative Videos

Watch illustrative videos as well as physician presentations to discover more about IC-8TM IOL technology.


Published Papers

Access the latest IC-8TM IOL publications and read more about the advantages of small aperture technology for your cataract patients.


Online Course

Take the IC-8TM IOL online course to learn about the IC-8TM IOL method of action, patient benefits, surgery, and pre- and post-op clinical pearls.

Coming Soon

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